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Wolf Premium Oils Ultimate Knife Care

Wolf Premium Oils Ultimate Knife Care

WOLF PREMIUM OILS delivers a high-performance Knife Oil that out performs any oil on the market and offers the best protection available against corrosion and oxidation. ULTIMATE KNIFE CARE with COBRATEC cleans,protects and lubricates your favorite blade and is nontoxic without leaving an oily residue.

This highly refined oil with positvely charged particles create a mono molecular protection that repels dust and moisture.           



  • Half As Much Goes Twice As Far
  • Low Volatility- Stays In Place
  • Mono Molecular Protection
  • Repels Dust and Moisture
  • Great On Folding and Automatic Knives
  • Can Be used on all Different Kinds of Knife Handle Materials Including Bone Plastic and Poly






1.Open the knife or unsheathe the knife blade.

2. Use a high-quality Wolf Premium oil microfiber towel to wipe the blade and handle clean.

3. Apply several drops to the towel and apply to the blade and wipe clean.

4. Plastic, composite, finished woods and metals, apply a light coat of Wolf Premium Oil to clean and protect the surface.

5. For automatic knives, lock blades, midlock knives, or any knife with a mechanical function lubricate the joint or mechanical function with Ultimate Knife Care to ensure proper lubrication and function without corrosion or build up.

6. Use on fixed blade knives to protect against moisture.

7. Safe for use with all knife blade materials and treatments.




1. Using oil on a honing or sharpening stone is a personal preference.

2. Use no less than 3 drops on the honing stone.

3. Sharpen knife blade as stated in owners' instructions

4. Wipe clean with a High Quality Wolf Premium Oils Micro fiber towel

5. It is not recommended to use any honing oil on a stone used with water or water on a stone used with oil.

If you love your knife like we love ours the Wolf Premium Oils Ultimate Knife Care is for you

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